Saturday, September 6, 2008

We've Hired a Nanny

After countless hours of searching for someone who can watch Christopher while Mommy goes out to get some "Mommy-alone time" we have reached our final decision on a nanny. As you can see, this nanny has some special talents that most moms only wish they had. For starters, she has four hands instead of just two. She has a superb sense of smell and can anticipate dirty diapers before they even occur. This woman also has supersonic hearing so she can hear Christopher's cries from miles away. Therefore, when she is out chasing rabbits (it's what's for dinner) she can return instantly to tend to his every need. Her schedule is free enough that she can be a live-in and her rates are really low--she only asks for one feeding of the same type of food every day. She also saves us water by not using indoor plumbing and fertilizes the lawn instead. Oh, and the picture of her above proves how cute she is. Everyone should be so lucky to have such a wonderful caretaker for their children!

Yes, our son does get tired sometimes... and he actually took a short nap in his crib one afternoon. Glad we got the crib since we've used it all of 2 times. Don't worry though, it converts into a toddler and then an older child's bed so we'll get our money's worth... One more picture--we went to visit Matt and Jaime in the hospital yesterday and Chris wanted to dress up to meet his new friend Olivia. Influenced by his cool Aunt Dabney's sense of style, he decided "happy, snappy, preppy" was the way to go. Thank you to Aunt Jamie (from NJ) for the cute outfit and Grammy for the pacifier!


Anonymous said...

happy, snappy and preppy indeed! looking good CJ!

Sheryl said...

You had me fooled! LOL

Kerrie McLoughlin said...

cute! found you on kcap ... i love finding local bloggers! hope we can meet sometime!