Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Born to Run

On this beautiful September morning, Christopher, Kasey and I set out to do something that makes all 3 of us feel good, regardless of the lack of sleep--we went to the trail for a run. Well, a walk/run but a run nonetheless. Chris had it easy. Although he donned his sweat pants and sport socks (and did a a little pre-run stretch) he ended up taking a 40 minute nap while being pushed along in his stroller. Now I don't want anyone to get concerned (Mom). We are not training for a marathon (yet!). We just ran 2 minutes then walked 3 minutes on and off for 3 miles. A total of 14 minutes running. It felt good...no great to be out there as this weather is the best for running--56 degrees, breezy, and not a cloud in the sky. It was all I could do to not run the whole distance! Running to me feels great whether I've had two hours of sleep or ten. It doesn't matter. There's a 5K in November that I am shooting for and then... did somebody say Shelter Island 10K??? Look out Uncle Peter! You know, women get an oxygen boost postpartum when they train. It's similar to doping, only legal...


Unknown said...

Uncle Peter just beat Brian in fantasy football (as predicted in last week's comments) and would happily administer a running-beating to Brian, Karin and even Christopher at next year's 10k!

As Peyton Manning so eloquently said, "It's on like Donkey Kong."

KBWogs said...

2nd highest point total in the whole league and I still lose. No worries, I'll beat you in the playoffs.

As for the 10k, we all accept you challenge. I hope you won't be too depressed when a 10 month old sprints by you at the finish line.


Sheryl said...

No concerns. You can do it!!! If I was able to play in the July hockey tournament in PA hosted by the Bobcats 2 months after Ally was born, I have all the confidence in the world that you can handle a 3-mile walk/run. All kidding aside just like most things in life... YOU know your own body the best.