Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chris and Olivia

Last night we went over to hang out with Matt, Jaime, and their new baby Olivia. Since both sets of new parents had rough previous nights, we thought we would all commiserate together over brats and football (and beer for the non-nursing fathers). Christopher was donning his Space Invaders onesie, compliments of Aunt Chrissie. He was a little fussy when he first saw his new friend but settled down after, you guessed it, some warm mommy milk. He took a brief nap and then was enthralled by Matt's salt water fish tank, which has two clown fish. He was really watching those two fish swim in and out of the coral and anemones! Looks like he definitely takes after his dad... Oh and for the record, two nights ago, Christopher slept for five straight hours! I'm not expecting this to happen consistently for a while but it is a milestone for our little night owl. Of course, he was then up just about every hour after that stretch but what are you going to do... Here are some fresh pictures of the little man. Someone has taught him how to stick his tongue out. I hope this doesn't cause us problems down the road!

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