Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Waaahhh." --Baby Christopher

The quote above describes last night. I guess we got our first taste of "He's crying hysterically and I have no idea why--what do I do?" We're working really hard on feeding and sometimes it goes better than other times. But 3 times last night, no matter what I did, Christopher would belt out a cry like I've never heard. It's interesting because when it's just the 3 of us and it's late and he's crying like that, you think there must be something terribly wrong or that other people's babies can't possibly cry like that but I'm pretty sure everyone must go through this. It's only been a couple nights at home anyway so everyone is still getting the hang of things. We'll figure it out! Encouraging words or advice from parents would be much appreciated!


Sheryl said...

Take one day at a time! We can relate, many of us went through similar times. Lactation consultants, midwives, our pediatrician, friends, Mothering Magazine, and the book The Nursing Mother's Companion helped us through the learning curve. We are available for you any time (day, night or even those stressful times in the wee hours of the morning). Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Rub some dirt on him and tell him to walk it off...

KatieandAshleysMommy said...

We have all had our moments like these. Other moms always told me (and it really made me angry when they did) "try and stay calm, the baby can tell when you are stressed out." It really is true though. THE VERY BEST ADVICE I received from my Peditrician was "No baby has ever died from crying. Put the baby in his crib and walk away for a few minutes, walk outside, or do something to calm your self. Then come back and start fresh. (I also found "shushing" softly in their ears works a lot of times.)Sometimes you will not be able to stop the crying...and that's okay!!! Just hold him and kiss him and love him anyways.

Mommy Jyoti said...

Gas drops! Saved my life!