Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mmmm... Pancakes

I can't believe that dog got on our computer again... Just a quick update--we went to the doctor yesterday for our weekly check-up. Everything looks good--heartbeat and measurements are all good. Now it's just a waiting game. Brian and I have been enjoying our last days before parenthood by eating out, seeing movies, and sleeping in. Last night we went to see Wall-E which is such a wonderful movie! Who would think that a robot would be so stinkin' cute. This morning I actually slept until 9:30 which, for those of you who know me, is absolutely unheard of! Then my fabulous husband made me pancakes. Granted, they were healthy oat bran pancakes but if you douse them in enough honey, they are just as good as IHOP. Come to think of it, maybe I'll stay pregnant for a lot longer if I get extra sleep and pancakes out of it! We'll continue to update you.

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