Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Kasey's turn

Hello, everyone. Mom dropped me off at Pawz at Play this morning and I managed to get onto one of their computers while the other puppies are napping. It's been over a week now that my mom and dad brought home this creature from the hospital and I'm still not sure what to make of it. When I first saw them carrying a container into the house, I thought they might be bringing me a huge basket full of treats because they missed me so much. But much to my surprise as they walked with it toward the living room, the container started making noises! I have to say, it stopped me in my tracks. They say denial is the first step of the grieving process and that is what I felt when I realized I wasn't the only baby anymore. Now that time has passed, however, I am leaning more toward acceptance, especially since we've been going for walks almost everyday. Prior to the baby coming along, I was not a big fan of strollers or toddlers. I think now that I am coming to terms with both, although I'll let you know about the toddler thing in a couple years. Mom and Dad still love on me a lot, even when they are holding the baby. I like to sit in front of Mom's chair when she's feeding him and let me tell you, I sometimes even get close enough to lick his little hands. He gets squirmy when I do that! But boy oh boy, his diapers sure can smell ripe to a dog who's sense of smell is about 400 times greater than a human's! Anyway, the bump on Mom's stomach that I referred to in my last post has gone away so I am fully expecting us to resume our runs shortly. She should have absolutely no excuse!

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