Thursday, July 10, 2008

Kasey Moe weighs in

Woof! My name is Kasey Moe and for those of you not "in the know" I am the coolest, cutest (that's me in the picture to the left), most perfect dog on the block. Even though I eat my mom's hippie magazines and dig up the mulch that my dad puts out, Karin and Brian still love me, feed me, and let me jump on the furniture. They are such suckers! Anyway, while my mom is away from the computer, I thought I would weigh in on this whole "baby" thing. First of all, I've been noticing some changes in the house that are rather disturbing. I mean, what is the deal with moving my bed to the other side of the room to make space for a pack and play? It's not like I sleep in my bed anyway. And over the past few months, I've noticed my mom getting rounder and rounder. I keep telling her to take me out for a run in order to "take care" of that bump growing in her stomach but she keeps insisting on taking me for shorter and shorter walks instead. Plus she talks to the bump sometimes. I thought I was the only non-human thing she talked to! The final straw though is the roller bag that is being perpetually packed and left on the window seat. Now, every time that bag comes out, I know I'm heading to Pawz and Play and my parents are going somewhere fun without me. But it hasn't happened yet and the bag is still sitting there. I'm extremely suspicious. Anyway, I keep hearing talk about some "baby" coming. My mom says to me "blah blah blah blah, baby, blah blah" and then touches the ever-expanding bump. I give her a look like I'm interested in what she's saying (I'm really not unless she says "outside" or "dinner") but I know this baby is going to cause trouble for me. I have been the baby in this family for 2 1/2 years and I'm not looking forward to relinquishing my title. Oh well, I suppose that I must continue to be on my best behavior when this little creature arrives so I can continue to eat, get treats, and pretend to chase bunnies. We all know, however, that I am the real first child in this family.

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