Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Ring Sling

I wanted to give Brian one more reason to call me a hippie so I busted out the ring sling yesterday to hold Christopher in. Thank goodness it came with an instructional DVD to show me how to put him in correctly! At first our son was not really thrilled about it--he lasted 10 minutes to start. Later after a good nap and afternoon snack, he was much more content and hung out in the sling for about 3 hours in between feedings. We even went for a walk around the block with him in that thing! I felt like a member of some primitive tribe or something. One of our neighbors saw us from a distance and asked where the baby was because we didn't have our stroller. The sling is great though because it frees up my hands and feels pretty good on my back. I'd like to wear him more as I get back into doing things around the house. I'll eventually experiment with more holding positions but for now we're going to stick with what works! Anyway, here is Daddy and son hanging out as Mommy took a much needed evening nap...

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

I used one with Julia. I really enjoyed the close bonding it affords for moms and dads. I believe babies thrive on feeling and hearing their mom's heartbeat that they are used to hearing for the past 40 weeks. I also believe it provides them with security.