Sunday, November 2, 2008

Run, run, run

In honor of the New York City Marathon being run today, Christopher wore his "I Love NY" onesie. We were all able to watch the national coverage of the marathon and Chris actually watched the entire thing with us. He was fascinated by the runners he saw on television and started cooing and gooing as Paula Radcliff kicked it to the finish line. He was so excited, he even exploded a couple times in his diaper. Based on his interest in what he saw on TV, I would say that Christopher was born into the right family! I told Chris all about when I ran the marathon 6 years ago today and how I remembered watching the coverage as a kid and always wanting to run it myself... We also had lunch with Dan, Mary, and Tristan today at Ruby Tuesday's. Chris napped for the first half of lunch but then decided he wanted to try some of my burger so he got up to see what he was missing. When I hold him on my lap now, he reaches out to grab my plate as I eat so we are entering the phase of having to watch what he grabs. Anyway, it was a good day for us all and it was especially fun to see Christopher watch his first NYC Marathon. Hopefully he will find it as exciting as I did when I was a kid!

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

When Chris runs his 1st NYC marathon is he going to knock a banana out of a 4 year olds hands too? LOL