Thursday, November 13, 2008

Awww...He found his thumb

As Christopher was taking a nap today, I saw him stirring on the monitor so I went in thinking I would have to replace his pacifier. As I entered the nursery, I saw him sucking away on his thumb, something we've actually been hoping he would start doing. (I know I'll regret those words later when we are trying to get him to stop sucking his thumb but for now he needs to learn to soothe himself!). It was so cute that I had to take a stealth picture, so as not to disturb the sleeping baby. If you're wondering if that is a three ring binder under Christopher's little mattress, you would be correct. With this whole teething situation, it seems to make him more comfortable to have his head elevated a bit and so this is our attempt at parental creativity... We went to a cafe this morning to meet up with a mom from Mothers and More who used to teach in NYC. She is just returning to teaching and wanted to know about Kansas schools so I shared some of what I know. It was fun reminiscing about the east coast, joking about how Kansas Citians complain about "traffic" and talking about the real city. Meanwhile, Christopher was busy watching all the older kids playing (there was a children's area) and plotting how he could get in on the action. He smiled at this little 1 1/2 year old girl with blond curly hair--he's always going for the older women! Anyway, we are excited for Grammy's visit this weekend and our little cutie is resting up for all the playing he is going to do. Bye for now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! That's great! He looks so cute!