Saturday, November 28, 2009

Rock Chalk and Christmas Trees

I had to double check the calendar today because I could have sworn it was April 28th, not November 28th. The Wogloms (Kansas and New York) ventured west to Lawrence to walk around a wonderful little town that also happens to be home to the University of Kansas. The weather was so nice, I broke out my sandals one more time. We strolled around town and window shopped a bit before going to the Free State Brewery for lunch. Christopher had so much to look at the whole time and he was very well-behaved. He enjoyed some chicken fingers and a wide variety of fresh fruit. On the way back to the car, we walked past numerous stores carrying Kansas Jayhawk merchandise, none of which we purchased. No Rock Chalk Jayhawk stuff for us. (Oh, for those of you not from Kansas, i.e. everyone reading this, "Rock chalk Jayhawk" is the cheer for the Kansas sports teams. After asking multiple alum here what it means, I still can't get a straight answer. You'll have to google it.). On our way back home, we stopped at a playground in Lawrence where Chris played on the swings and repeatedly went down his first enclosed slide. It was very cool!

While our little man was taking his afternoon nap, it was time to bust out the Christmas decorations. For the third year in a row, we set up our pre-lit tree in the living room. Let me just say how much I love the pre-lit three. It is in three sections and takes all of 5 minutes to put together. Then I hung the ornaments which took another ten minutes. All totaled I think my holiday decorating took me a half an hour. Brian contributed by bringing the tree up from the basement. He was very proud of his manly muscles.
The best, though, was when Chris got up from his nap and got a good look at the Christmas tree.

He inspected the tree very seriously to make sure I put everything in the correct place. And believe it or not, the tree is still standing and all the ornaments are accounted for. We'll see what tomorrow brings! Christopher also played with a fabulous toy we received several years ago that sings and dances (Grammy, you will know which toy I'm talking about).
Kasey was excited (as usual) about the holiday decorating rituals of her owners.
All in all, we had a wonderful day and a wonderful weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Woglom! But fear not, east coasters. The Kansas Wogloms will be home in three weeks! Until then, here is a picture to remind you of how cute we all are.

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