Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pink pom poms and orange hair

No, we didn't suddenly end up with a daughter. I attended a race this morning where I set up a table to talk about GOTRIbal, the women's triathlon group of which I am the Kansas City representative. I did not actually race, although it would have been beneficial since it ended up being freezing and damp. I manned our table with Robyn, another local member of our group and we handed out fliers about the organization. The race itself benefited Girls on the Run, a fantastic group that involves girls ages 8 through 12ish in running and community service. One of GOTR's sponsors is Goodie who makes all kinds of fun hair products so I got to benefit from their sponsorship and ended up with pom poms and multicolored hair. It was a cold but fun morning!

1 comment:

Sara Cox Landolt said...

Neat! How did it go? The hair goodies sound fun. :-)