Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Masterpiece

What you are looking at in the picture above is Christopher's first official work of art. He told me he calls it "Blustery Day." It was, in fact, a blustery, rainy day out this morning so we didn't get to play outside like we usually do. Mommy had to get creative in order to entertain our little growing boy. Yesterday, we picked up these funky toddler crayons at Target...
... and Christopher got to work first thing after breakfast. I know you're probably thinking that these are some crazy looking crayons. Apparently they are supposed to be easier for little hands to grip but if I had to do it all over again, I would just get regular crayons. Well, they are cute anyway. I initially had to show Chris what to do with them but once he saw the squiggly lines, he went to town on the piece of paper! After five minutes, though, he decided it would be much more fun to put in and take out the little crayons from they're plastic holder. He did that about 15 times in a row and then was done. That must just be his "process." Anyway, here is a close up of the artiste's creation.


Unknown said...

Are you taking bidders? It's beautiful!

KBWogs said...

Yes, the asking price is 1.3 mil. Call CJ's broker. :)