Saturday, March 14, 2009


Today, in addition to celebrating Grandpa Woglom's birthday, we had a BBQ in honor of St. Patrick's Day coming up this week. Mommy decorated the house, cooked a traditional potato dish, picked up soda bread and Guiness at the store, and had a good crowd over for the event. The usual suspects were there (Dan, Mary, Tristan, and puppies, Matt, Jaime, and Olivia) as well as Chad and Matt from New Jersey. It turned out to be a fabulous day weather-wise and everyone was in good spirits. As the host family, we all attempted to dress in green (even Kasey had on her shamrock bandana) and Daddy even busted out his Irish soccer jersey that he purchased on the Emerald Isle six years ago. And yes, this was the first time he has ever worn it. Christopher also busted out an Irish rugby jersey (seen above). Those readers who live in West Caldwell may recognize it well--it is the shirt I got for Ally when she was two years old and I went to Ireland for student teaching. It is still slightly large on our eight month-old boy but he doesn't have far to go. Mary was getting her baby fix now that Tristan is two years old, and the babies were having a great time hanging with her...
The rest of our day was nice, even after everyone left. When Chris woke up from his nap, we all went out and hung outside on the blanket, soaking in the sun. Later, Kasey requested a walk around the block and we complied quite happily. Christopher got to be in the mei tai on my back so he was happy, but I don't think he was quite as thrilled about the hat we made him wear. He did, however, like my dangling earrings (I should know better!) and was doing his utmost to reach them:
In other news, I do believe that Christopher is going to stand up and walk (or run) before he crawls. Recently, he has been pushing up onto his hands and feet rather than just his hands and knees. Plus, he is constantly looking for things to pull up on, although at the moment he needs those things to be somewhat lower than the coffee table and the ottoman. He has discovered our yoga block, however, and was attempting to get into downward facing dog the other day:

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