Saturday, January 3, 2009


So we finally set up Christopher's new high chair and today we gave him his first taste of the good stuff--well, as good as it gets for a five month old. Chris got to eat rice cereal from a bowl with a spoon. For the past several weeks, he has just been eying everything we've been eating. When I have my breakfast he just stares with this look on his face that says, "And when are you going to share that with me?" He also reaches for my glass if I'm drinking water when I'm holding him. So we decided it was finally time to start solids. Here are some pictures of the whole experience...

In the beginning, more of the cereal ended up on his chin than in his mouth but pretty soon he got the idea of what he was supposed to do. I think he liked it because he kept reaching for the spoon and trying to get it to his mouth faster, but I also think there were times when the texture of the food was a little funky to him. We just started with a little today but as we go I'm hoping to eliminate the bottle for one of his feedings per day. We'll see how it goes. According to Daddy, the next step is going to be cookies, but I'm pretty sure we should wait at least another week or so for that!

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

What a face! Yum Yum rice cereal. I'm with Daddy on this one :).