Monday, January 5, 2009

Mister Activity

Wait, let me catch my breath for just a minute... Ah! Okay, thank you! This little boy of ours does not stop moving. I can't wait (or can I) to see what's going to happen once he starts getting around on his own. The picture to the left shows Christopher in a new contraption that we picked up last week to foster his growing need for jumping and/or squat thrusts. It's a bouncer that you attach to a door frame so he can jump and bounce and stand as much as he wants. Those of you who held Chris over the holidays will remember that he is a big boy and loves to stand on his own two feet while doing crazy squats. This bouncer is great because it gives Mommy's arms a rest! We will keep everyone updated on our latest adventures with this contraption... This morning, we all bundled up and went out for an early morning run on the trail. I say early but it was actually late by Christopher's standards--7:30 in the AM. He'd already been up for two hours (gasp!) along with the rest of us so we decided it would be good to get something accomplished, namely a four mile run. The sun was barely up when we hit the trail and although I couldn't feel my thighs and there was ice in my hair, we enjoyed ourselves tremendously. Don't worry, Chris was toasty warm and even took a nap as we ran... We topped off our morning with a trip to the local Gymboree to see what that program is all about. We previewed a class for 0 to 6 month-olds but since Chris is kind of on the border of that age level and the next, the instructor suggested we try the second level class for 6 to 10 month-olds. CJ enjoyed the class nonetheless and got to play on some equipment that he'd never seen before. He sat inside a tunnel, did tummy time on an inner tube, watched hundreds of bubbles fall from the sky (very cool!) and played peek-a-boo with a puppet. This last activity he loved and laughed out loud to everyone's delight and enjoyment. It was a very fun morning and now our little one is resting up in his crib for the next round of excitement.

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