Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Garden

Every summer with our garden is an adventure. I haven't posted as many pictures this year of our harvests but the picture above is representative of our tomato harvest almost every other day! After a few mishaps (our gourds and pumpkins didn't survive the transplants, our peppers did nothing, our carrots were too small every time I picked them, and our neighbor overzealously stained his fence and I lost half of my produce as a result), we still have had a great year with tomatoes, kale, chard and onions. One of my basil plants survived the spray-fest and we add that to the above tomatoes for a delicious salad. While we were out of town, many of the tomatoes did go to the birds (and squirrels and bunnies) but the garden still flourishes. My favorite part of summer!

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