Tuesday, August 13, 2019


We spent this morning at the Rijksmuseum which has beautiful works of many kinds! By the time this trip is done, our boys will have seen an incredible amount of art that they will hopefully remember. In addition to the paintings, there were incredible collection pieces of everything from model ships to furniture to musical instruments. Here are some of the highlights...

We were able to kind of see Rembrandt's The Night Watch but they were analyzing it for restoration. Nevertheless it was cool to see how they do that, even if we couldn't see the whole painting. We also got to see several Vermeer pieces...

Jonathan used the multimedia guide to learn about some of the pieces in the museum...
He really enjoyed searching for the numbers so he could listen to the narration about the paintings! Like the Louvre, the Rijksmuseum building was just as beautiful as the artwork it housed. Here are some examples of the windows...

And here are a few more of my favorite pieces...

After the museum, we got falafel for lunch and wandered back to the hotel. Along the way, we found bubbles! It has been so fun to hear so many different languages during our travels and no matter what language a child speaks, they all love bubbles!
We are now resting back at our hotel before we head out again later to meet my friend Erin and her family for a visit!

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