Thursday, August 8, 2019

Le Louvre

This morning we spent three hours in the Louvre, probably the most amazing art museum I have ever seen. Amazing because: A) the beauty of the art work and B) the fact that a 4 year-old and 11 year-old spent three hours looking at art! We saw some of the most famous works of art including the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo as well as countless other pieces. We started, however, with Egyptian art, which the boys found fascinating and we practically had this section to ourselves while everyone else rushed up to see the Mona Lisa!

Christopher served as Jonathan's tour guide for the first hour or so of our visit. He likes to be the "resident expert" and J didn't mind being guided along...

Just like Versailles, the Louvre is beautiful just on its own, never mind the art pieces. The ceilings and architecture are works of art in themselves...

Here are some of the paintings we found. Thousands to choose from!

Of course the sculptures were incredible too. First is Winged Victory followed by Venus de Milo...

Here are some of the other beautiful sculptures we came across, beginning with (of course) this sculpture of Athena...

And finally, the lady of the hour, the Mona Lisa...
Last night, we went out in Saint Germain de Pres and thanks to a recommendation from Robby (Grandma Jan's cousin) we ventured down Rue de Buci and it was wonderful! It was full of cafes and cute shops and we had a nice dinner there followed by ice cream...

Now we are resting back at the hotel in anticipation of venturing up to Montmartre.

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