Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Welcome Home!

In case you haven't heard, my Aunt Dabney and Uncle Peter had triplets in January so now I have three instant cousins. Woohoo! And today, my boy cousin, Bennett, comes home from the hospital. Let me tell you, I can't wait until I meet Bennett and teach him the ropes. I am especially excited because he is a boy like me and I have to make sure he knows that girls have cooties (don't tell Mommy I said that). We are so excited to meet him and his sisters, Poppy and Elsie. I'm still practicing how to say their names but for now I say "Beh," "Pah," and "Els." I'll be working on it for when we meet them back in New York really soon!

I also want to tell you about my day today. Mommy took me to my first real kids concert! The singer's name was Funky Mama and she totally rocked out, electric guitar and all. Mommy seemed to really be enjoying herself right from the start. I was skeptical at first and stayed in her lap just taking in the sights and sounds. I watched the bigger kids dancing to the music and finally (during the last song called "Moo Juice") I got up to show everyone my side-to-side, swaying eighth grade dance move. It was awesome and I think I saw a little girl with pigtails and a paci checking me out.

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