Monday, April 5, 2010

Egg hunt at home...

During Christopher's nap yesterday, the Easter bunny made a guest appearance and hid a dozen or so eggs in our flower bed in the front yard. Now that he knows what to do on an Easter egg hunt, Chris grabbed his basket and headed for the door...
It was very windy outside but that didn't stop our little man! He set his basket down on the sidewalk and went straight to work picking up all the eggs he could find.
After the egg hunt at Olivia's house, Christopher now knows that in order to make the most of your egg-finding, you must open up each one you find and search for the goodies inside. If there is nothing inside, you say "No!" (his favorite word) and continue on your way. Out of the eggs Chris looked for yesterday, only 6 of them had treats. And, of course, this was a health conscious Easter bunny who left Kashi cereal in the eggs. It certainly didn't bother Chris one little bit!

This morning, Tristan came over to play for a few hours and the boys had a great time together. Christopher just watches at first to see all the things that big boys are supposed to do and then he joins in on the fun. They had fun running, jumping, "cooking" in the kitchen, coloring and watching Thomas and Caillou together. The two boys are becoming great friends!

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