Friday, April 23, 2010

Kaw Prairie

I have discovered a new way to burn 500 calories in 30 minutes! It's called "climbing like a 21 month-old on playground equipment." Christopher and I visited a new church down the road called Kaw Prairie that has a coffee shop and an indoor playground. I sacrificed my coffee fast for the day so Chris could get a good play session in. The equipment is designed for 3 to 12 year olds (and in my case, 32 year olds) so it was just a little too big for CJ to do on his own. However there was a SUPER COOL tunnel slide 3 stories up that Chris just had to go down. There were no stairs to go up; you had to climb up these platforms that Christopher couldn't do on his own. Long story short, I was sweating by the end of the time we were there and my jeans have a nice hole in the knee. If it gets any sort of crowd, though, it will be a little too hectic for lil' buds. But it was fun and for today, we had the whole place to ourselves.

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