Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Walk this way

Okay, grandparents and all other blog followers... we are totally spoiling you with two videos in one week. Christopher continues to take one or two steps here and there but now he has taken an interest in pushing his wagon all over the place! Initially, he wanted nothing to do with the wagon except for his close examination of its hubcaps. Now he can't get enough of it. Of course, he becomes majorly frustrated when he runs into something and cannot continue forward. Little man is slowly figuring out how to turn the wagon but he can't back it up yet. Here he is pushing his wagon around the house:

In other news, I am excited to announce that I am having dinner with Ironman World Champion Chrissie Wellington this Friday evening in Lawrence. Well, I guess it's not just me having dinner with her--the event is through our multisport group. She is in town competing in the Kansas Ironman 70.3 event on Saturday. I'm really psyched to meet her because she is an awesome athlete and she's also a spokesperson for my GOTRIbal group. (You can check out her blog in my blog list to the left). Hopefully I'll get some pics too! Unfortunately, I cannot take CJ so he and Daddy are going to have a boys' night in while Mommy has a girls' night out. Yay!

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

WOW! That'll teach me to miss a few days of checking ur awesome blog. Lots of excitment! You guys must be bursting with joy! Go CJ!