Monday, June 1, 2009

I carried a watermelon

Now that June is upon us, so too is the heat of Kansas. I think it is going to be something like 90 degrees today. When the weather gets warm like this, and thoughts of the perfect summer food enter my mind, all I can think of is watermelon... well, ok, and ice cream, lemonade, and Slurpees! For Christopher, however, we have started with watermelon. Let me tell you, the boy loves his watermelon. I believe this is due in part to the fact that he can pick up the little pieces with his fingers, but the watermelon is sweet and juicy and just plain old delicious. I tend to keep a few pieces nearby and help myself while he eats his fruit. We are beginning to experiment with more and more finger foods and our little "subject" seems to like everything we give him. This afternoon will be kiwi. Yum!

(I know someone out there is going to recognize my reference in the title. C'mon, who is it going to be?)


Liz said...

I can vouch, it looked like you were last June. You are too cute!! LOL

Sara Cox Landolt said...

I haven't seen Dirty Dancing in awhile... fun title.

I love love good watermelon. I have some in the fridge now. My baby doesn't like it yet, but my oldest does.