Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pet Peeve

Okay, so I officially have a pet peeve that I need to vent about: parents who don't pay attention to their little children when their little children are being obnoxious! Ally, Christopher and I went to the Parkside Cafe today for a change in scenery. As soon as we got there, this little two year-old kid came up to Ally (who was sitting in a chair) and smacked her. The teacher in me came out and I was like, "Excuse me, sir, we don't use our hands to hit." So he left. A bit later he came over and did a somersault into Ally's back. The mom came over and said, "Oh honey, we don't do flips into people's backs." Thanks... Later he went to hit her again. Of course she was okay because it was just a little two-year old but I was getting pretty P.O.ed and kept telling him "NO" with my voice getting more and more stern and hopefully loud enough so his mom would notice. She, of course, was busy yapping away to her friend. This little boy then went over and tried to pick up Christopher and take his pacifier out so I picked up my little man and said "NO" again. Finally the mom came over and moved him, all the while talking to her friend and barely looking at her kid. We decided we'd had quite enough anyway and left. Ally didn't seem too bothered but we both were talking about how annoying it is when parents don't pay attention to their children's behavior. Our outing was much improved by our stop at Sonic for lunch and ice cream! Ally has never eaten at Sonic before and enjoyed it thoroughly. Later we are planning on going swimming at the gym. Here are a couple pics from our day:

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