Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Farmer's Market

This morning we ventured out to the Overland Park Farmer's Market to get some fresh produce for both CJ and Mommy and Daddy to enjoy. Initially I thought the market opened at 6AM and we got there at seven, but when we arrived I realized that was only on Saturdays, not Wednesdays. Oops! No matter, it seems that farmers will sell you their goods regardless of the time as long as you have money. Several vendors commented about Christopher being up so early. One lady asked him if I woke him up to come to the market. I, of course, just laughed and said it had been the other way around. Maybe our boy will be a farmer when he grows up since he likes the early morning hours... I made an appointment for Senor Buds to go to the kids part of the gym today thinking it would be too hot for me to run outside with him in the stroller. Turns out it is just about 68 degrees and sunny right now, so to the trail we will go! Kasey is especially happy about this turn in events. Arf, arf.

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