Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Solid Gold

All of Christopher's grandparents will be happy to know that he was listening to the "Solid Gold Oldies" station this afternoon as we played downstairs. It was one of those TV stations that has music so we just kind of put it on in the background. We have tried out several of these stations in recent days, including blues, classical masterpieces, and something known as seasonal soundscapes. They usually just serve as background music while he plays, but today, Christopher was rocking out to the solid gold oldies! There were even a couple of songs that got him to stop playing, look at the TV and laugh out loud. The best, however, was one of my favorite Drifters songs (maybe because it's the only one I know?)... "Under the Boardwalk." I have fond memories of this song because my mom used to take my friend, Lauren, and I to Angelo's (an Italian place in River Vale) that had a great old jukebox. We loved playing this song and getting up to dance while we had spaghetti with meatballs. Well, such inspiration hit me again and I grabbed my little man and we danced around the family room. He was cracking up! And now when he gets excited about something, he waves his hands up and down. Usually, if he's sitting on his own, he will just pat his legs. Since I was holding him and dancing, however, he was smacking me on the shoulders and neck and laughing hysterically. Good times were had by all!

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