Tuesday, April 14, 2009


What could be more fun than playing with bubbles? (Except, perhaps, eating chocolate chip cookies!). When I went to Babies R Us yesterday, I picked up a fun bubble contraption, one that Christopher will be able to play with without spilling when he is a bit older. Well, I purchased said bubbles for our little man. Turns out our other child is a bigger fan of the soapy, spherical things. I'm hoping to get this on video soon, but for the time being picture this scene: I'm sitting on the floor with the bubble tube and I start blowing bubbles. Christopher (who is across the room getting into all sorts of mischief) looks at me and contemplates whether it would be worth his time and effort to trek all the way to where I am sitting. Kasey, on the other hand, jumps off her chair (that's right, I said her chair) and sticks right by my side. She tries as hard as she can to pop as many bubbles as possible in the shortest amount of time by biting them. If a lofty bubble is descending too slowly, she leaps for it, stopping it in its tracks. CJ eventually comes over to join the fun and he waits patiently as the bubbles land on his hands, his feet, and sometimes his nose and watches them with curiosity as they pop. I try to explain that bubbles are transient objects. I'm pretty sure he gets it... As you can see from the picture, Christopher is moving on to bigger and better things than crawling. ("Crawling is for wusses," he said. "That is so last week.") He is pulling up on everything and as we watched a video this morning, he totally cruised three quarters of the way around our coffee table. Perhaps we should sign him up for the Shelter Island 10K? Speaking of that, I received a flyer in the mail with my name on it regarding this upcoming epic race and it is officially marked on my Dabney Lee At Home calendar. The flyer was trying to impress me with all the notable runners and record-holders who have competed in this race. I did not notice anyone with the last name Woglom, so needless to say, I was not impressed. With all the Wogloms running it this year, I fully expect to see some of our names on the flyer next year. Peace.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Before you knew it CJ will be giving you a run for money.