Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Poor baby

Unfortunately, there will be no picture of Christopher smiling for this blog post. That's because our little man had a nasty nine month visit to the doctor's office today. First of all, he got up extra early this morning so his schedule was thrown off a bit, but that wasn't too bad. When we got to the doctor's office, however, we had to wait to get in and then we had to wait again once we were in the room. Although I am not a huge fan of waiting, I usually can deal. However, when you have a very mobile nine month old in an office that has lots of wires and cords, waiting becomes the least favorite of my pastimes. By the time Dr. Brooks came in to see us, Christopher had developed some major fuss in his pants and also proceeded to spit up all over my jeans and the floor while we were discussing his eating habits. Speaking of which, Christopher is officially 23 pounds, 4 ounces (to think we were worried about him gaining enough weight those first few days of his life!) and he is 29.5 inches tall. And for anyone keeping score, his head circumference is 17.75 inches. Since we delayed his vaccines, this visit included three shots as well as a hemoglobin test that involved pricking his heel and squeezing out the drops of blood for like five tortuous minutes. He screamed for both of these events like he did when he was born. It was awful. Poor guy! He continued to scream the whole time during checkout until we got half way home in the car. The only thing that made him feel better was when Kasey gave him lots of kisses upon our return... So now he is down for his nap a bit early and hopefully he will be up and excited to go play at the gym. Other than all the yucky parts of the visit, CJ is in great health!

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