Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Ah, there is nothing like a beautiful Easter Sunday morning in Kansas and apparently Christopher felt the same way because he requested our presence at the sunrise service this morning. Our little man woke up at 5:45 looking for the eggs left by the Easter bunny and then wanted to be the first person to get to church. What a good boy! Anyway, I have to make a request to the Catholic Church on this joyous occasion. It is my feeling that childcare should be provided for babies during mass because their parents get to listen to about 5 minutes of the service, especially when we are in the "crying room." They have this little room (well it's actually big enough to fit about 30 people and their children) where you can go during mass because the kiddos tend to make a lot of noise. Well, we were not the only ones with a child at the early service this morning and all those other kids were giving their own homilies at the same time! Since we were at the 7am mass, many babies were getting their bottles. Even though our little man had his bottle at home before we left, he thought all the other bottles belonged to him and was not happy that the other babies were not sharing. The nerve! Anyway, we are off to Olivia's house later for our Easter lunch and good company with friends.

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