Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Alright, who was it?

Okay, I want to know who voted for the name "Bob." Reveal yourself!!! We might just need to have that be CJ's new nickname...

Today is the only day this week that we did not have something planned to do. Well, we were supposed to go to story hour at the library but that is always dependent on Christopher's nap. He went to sleep at 10 so I didn't think we would be able to make the 10:15 reading! He went to sleep at 10 because he actually slept until 7:20AM this morning. Don't jump for joy yet. Little man woke up at 3:15AM and then was up until 4:30. He keeps waking up around the same time every morning and it seems like his teeth are bothering him. ENOUGH WITH THE TEETHING ALREADY!!! This is a request to the universal force that causes teeth to emerge: Please, I beg you, let Christopher go through one month where he does not have teeth cutting through his gums. Thank you! Our day has included a lovely run this morning on the trail and a trip to Whole Foods. Let me take a moment to talk about Whole Foods. Yes, we have a Price Chopper right down the road, and yes, their produce section is very nice. But there is nothing like going to Whole Foods with Christopher. I wore him in the ring sling today so he could see better and he was just fascinated with everything going on. His favorite things to look at were the ceiling fans, but he was also really interested in watching the butcher wrap up the chicken and buffalo meat. CJ also helped me hold the zucchini and pick out mozzerella cheese. Yes, Whole Foods is a bit pricey but the food everywhere is expensive these days. Plus their food is awesome. I'm also being a total "snob mom" and cooking all organic food for my little man. We want our little foodie to get off to a good start nutrition wise!

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