Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I was just about to...

If I was going to write a book about motherhood, one of the chapter titles would most certainly be the title of this blog. I'm pretty sure every mom (or woman for that matter) will understand the feeling of just getting started with something when your child (husband or dog) asks you to do something or demands your attention immediately. You think to yourself, "I was just about to _________ (eat lunch, take a shower, update the blog... you fill in your own blank) when Christopher (or your child, husband or dog) _____________ (woke up, started crying, chewed up a book...again, you fill in the blank." Today, I had just put Christopher down for a morning nap and decided that I could most certainly get in my Power Yoga workout. I brought the monitor down just in case and began. About 30 minutes into the workout I noticed movement on the monitor screen and saw the dreaded red lights flash. "I was just about to move into triangle pose" when this happened. So I ran upstairs (another workout in itself!) and readjusted my boy and got him back to sleep. Now, it's back downstairs to resume yoga. Two minutes later, I'm running back up to put the pacifier back in Christopher's mouth. Long story short, this happened 3 more times before I said, "Forget it! Looks like we're doing yoga together this morning buddy!" And that's what we did. The moral of this story is: moms always need to be flexible.

P.S.--Exciting news! Yesterday I felt the tip of a tooth emerging from Christopher's lower gums. Today as I was changing his diaper, I pulled his lip down and actually saw the top of his lower right tooth popping through! So whoever guessed that the lower right tooth would be the first, reveal yourself!!!

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