Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pain in the ear

We have been to the doctor twice this week. On Tuesday, we went to a different doctor's office to get Christopher's ears checked (our usual office was booked solid) and today we went to Dr. Brooks to get CJ's 15 month check up. On Monday night, our little man woke up screaming and was up for about an hour and a half until he finally went back to sleep, hence the visit to the doctor on Tuesday. After waiting 45 minutes (always fun with a 15 month old!) in a germy waiting room, we found out his left ear was pretty infected and his nose has been running like a faucet ever since! We waited again today for 45 minutes to get in to see Dr. Brooks, but the news was much better--our boy is healthy and, relatively, happy even with a nasty ear infection. Here are the stats from our appointment:

Height: 32 inches (72%)
Weight: 26 lbs. 7 oz. (73%)
Head circumference a.k.a. "manly sized brain": 19 inches (78%)
Things that make me laugh: that we ever worried about CJ gaining weight

Even though Daddy says that he expects the 90% percentile, we are still very proud of our growing little man! Oh and another wonderful thing about our child, if I may brag a little bit, are the Bronx cheers he has learned recently. No, it's not necessarily what you are thinking. When we have watched the playoff games recently, Brian and I will cheer "Let's go Yankees" followed by clap, clap, clap-clap-clap. Well, Christopher does the clap-clap-clap part. And then when Jorge Posada gets up to bat, we say "Hip Hip" and then Chris raises his arms in the air and smiles big when we say "Jorge!" It's very reassuring to know that our boy is being raised the right way. Go Yanks!

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