Sunday, August 19, 2018

Petting Zoo

Today was "Back to School Sunday" at our church. The kids brought their backpacks, received a special message and got to enjoy Chris Cakes (aka, really good pancakes)! Chris Cakes, by the way, holds the Guinness World Record for fastest flippers. Anyway, they also had some games set up and a petting zoo for the kids which was actually really cool! The animals were super clean and very very cute. The boys had a blast...

Jonathan was happily feeding the goat in the picture above and said goat was happily eating everything he received! The boys had fun playing with the Kearns kids who just returned from several weeks in Florida. We saw them just about every day in the summer and then not at all for weeks so they had a lot of catching up to do... Tomorrow is the first day of school for both of these boys so updates will come then!

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