Sunday, June 26, 2011

NY Dawg Pound

We met the Eakins today at the New York Dawg Pound, a hot dog joint in Overland Park. What were three vegetarians doing at a hot dog place, you ask? Well, believe it or not, they actually had veggie options, one of which was the "carrot dog" which was an actual carrot that had been grilled. Chris had that option and chose mustard on top, eating almost the entire dog. Brian and I both had the "veggie bit" which was a black bean burger that they cut in half, put on a hot dog bun, and topped with avocado, salsa, lettuce and some other things. It was really good! And the owner is actually from the city so it's not just one of those midwest knock-offs of east coast phrases (read: Mafia Mike's Pizza and Jersey Shore Bagels). We enjoyed ourselves very much and the boys had a nice visit too. Here they are!

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