Thursday, July 15, 2010

"New Choo-Choos"

So what else would we get Christopher for his second birthday but a big ticket item related to trains. We ended up getting Chris the same train set that Tristan had because, well, the Thomas people tend to rip you off. We got a lot more bang for our buck with this set up. Anyway, when Christopher woke up this morning, it took all his concentration to eat up his breakfast so that he could get to work playing with his "new choo-choos." In fact, the only thing that could peel him away from his trains was the fact that we were going to swim at a new pool this morning. (Anything "new" always gets CJ's attention). We swam with Maddie (who will also be 2 in a couple weeks) and Braydon and had a great morning!

Speaking of little man turning two, when people ask him how old he is going to be, he tells them "two" and holds out one finger on each hand. Another thing he's been saying is "here you go" (sounds like "he go") when he hands me something to hold. It took me a while to figure out what he was saying and then I thought, "Where did he get that from?" Then I realized every time I give him something, I say "Here you go." Hello... obvious! Anyway, I can't believe my little boy is going to be two on Sunday. This birthday is almost bigger than the first one to me because he is officially out of the baby range now (i.e.-you can't say how many months he is anymore... he's just two). He is growing to be such a big boy and I'm so proud of everything he does! Most of all, he makes us laugh and has a great sense of humor, providing endless entertainment for all of us every day.

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