Tuesday, July 20, 2010

2 Year Check Up

It seems like just yesterday that we brought Christopher in for his first check-up after bringing him home from the hospital. We used to worry about so many little things, as all new parents do. At the 2 year appointment, however, we feel like old pros. Here are CJ's vitals from our meeting with Dr. Brooks today:

Height: 35 inches (75%)
Weight: 31 pounds (85% and hasn't changed since May)
Head circumference: 20 inches (92%)

Of course, Daddy is extremely proud (as always) of Christopher's head circumference as it shows his "manly size" brain. But we are continually amazed by our little man and how much he grows in every way!

Funny thing that Christopher is doing these days: Because of the absurd heat we've been having (and our lack of good shade trees... oh and Mommy's lack of gardening ability) the hanging plants that Chris usually helps me water have been suffering and wilting. When we took them down to water them yesterday, I told Chris that we have to talk to the plants because that will help them grow. Now, whenever we pass a plant in our yard, he talks to them saying "Yes, yes, okay, mmm hmm, bye." Then he feeds them grass for good measure. He never stops cracking us up!

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