Friday, May 7, 2010

Wild Fridays

When I was fresh out of college, Friday nights meant going out on the town with friends. Ah, how times have changed! And I have to say, we have just as much (if not more) fun now spending our evenings with The Buds... Look at how happy he was to discover his new farm:
And here is that bead rollercoaster I was talking about in the previous entry:
I believe that Christopher's favorite new toy was the airplane. He flew it everywhere! The plane also joined us for dinner and helped us water the plants outside.
After a lot of active play, the boys settled down for story time. They read (what else) Curious George. (Notice the airplane joined CJ for this activity too).
And then, of course, it was time for bed. Here was Christopher's reaction when that fact became apparent to him:
Night-night, everyone!

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