Friday, May 14, 2010

Down on the farm

Christopher loves his new farm so much that he can't decide which animal is his favorite. Whenever we are about to go somewhere in the car, I let him know that he can choose to bring a toy with him. Pre-farm, he always took a train to join him in his car seat. Now, however, he has so many choices that he doesn't know where to start. Should it be the pig on Monday? Perhaps the horse on Tuesday? But what about the moo cow? Decisions, decisions. Anyway, I came across his sea lion yesterday that we got at the Oklahoma City Zoo so he joined us when we met Olivia at the park this morning. That sea lion enjoyed the swings almost as much as Christopher! Here is some exclusive footage of little man enjoying his farm:

CJ had been sick in the beginning of this week so today was the first day we were able to play with other kids and let me tell you--what a relief! As much as I love our house and our dog, it was so nice to get out and participate in civilization again. Chris had a double ear infection, a cough, and an upper respiratory infection. And just to rub it in, another 2-year molar came through. You can imagine how much sleep we got the night that all happened. But now he is almost fully recovered and we are back in business. Have a great weekend!

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