Friday, September 25, 2009

Places to go, people to see

If there is one comment I've gotten repeatedly this week about Christopher, it is the shock and amazement of people when they note that this little boy runs everywhere! For example, when we are playing in the house, he will sit with me in the living room then hear Kasey drinking from her water dish and run run run over to where she is. Then he runs to the front door to look outside. Then he runs back to me. The other day at Kindermusik, he was running all over the room from one person to the next. Miss Heather commented, "I love how Christopher runs wherever he is going!" I can't begin to imagine just where he gets this whole running thing from, but I hope it continues for a long time (although I have to say that I do feel much more tired at night these days because Chris is a little mover and shaker and, therefore, I am too)... Today we went over to Maddie's house and played at their neighborhood park. It was so fun because there were lots of other kiddos there and Christopher was very interested in watching the big kids do their big kid stuff. He and Maddie were both swinging away on the baby swings and sliding down the slides with their mommies. Here are some pics of the little ones:

Christopher also found this really cool hippopotamus that he decided to give a dental checkup to.

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