Saturday, September 5, 2009


Can you feel it? Do you smell the burgers on the grill? Can you hear those Ohio State fans boasting about how they're going to "win" again this year? Well, our little Christopher can feel all of these things and more. You might recall that CJ would be enthralled last year anytime football came on the television. For some reason, this sport, more than others, would capture his attention and make him very happy. Yesterday, we happened to be downstairs while Daddy had on ESPN and little buds was watching preseason football highlights and laughing. I said, "Christopher, do you just love football?" As if on cue, he said "Yeah." I don't know if he really meant to say it, but it was hilarious and perfect timing. Summer is officially over now that college football has begun.

Update: It appears that my little illness from last week was not food poisoning but was, in fact, a stomach bug. Christopher got sick all over his crib on Thursday morning and poor Daddy was very ill all yesterday (hence the 12 hour ESPN-fest). Chris recovered quickly and Daddy is still working on it today, but he is doing much better than yesterday. Wash your hands, people!

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