Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Christopher is a natural explorer. Whenever we venture outside, we never need to bring toys with us. Whether it is a leaf, a stick, or a rock, our little man will investigate it with all his might! Often, the object in question will also make its way into CJ's mouth which calls for some quick action from Mommy and Daddy. We have practiced this intervention so many times that as soon as one of us says "Yuck, yuck," Christopher takes the object out of his mouth. Of course we still have some practice to do on this, but at least he knows to stop on command. Below you will see some other pictures of Christopher's exploring adventures this afternoon... A funny thing happened this morning upon CJ's rising--funny if you like the topic of toxic waste! Chris slept until 7 AM this morning (I think?) which is quite late for him. When I finally saw him stirring in the monitor, I went into his room to get him out of bed and dress him. When I entered the room, however, something did not smell quite right. "Long story short" (that one's for you Liz!) Christopher had a major accident that required a morning bath. Yes, it was that bad. AND the pajamas and sleep sack were not salvageable. They just went into the trash with the diaper. There are some things that are not worth cleaning! Anyway, I was filling the bathtub and Chris was standing next to it in the buff, and what do you think he does? Go ahead, you know the answer. That's right! He pees on the floor. That was just the start of the day. We hadn't even had breakfast yet! Never a dull moment.

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