Friday, September 11, 2009


You may have been following recent news that President Obama's ratings are falling among certain demographics, especially because of the health care debate. Well, this may be so... but not in this household among certain almost-14 month-olds named Christopher. I can't remember if I've ever mentioned in this blog the picture we have in our basement of the president that we received from Nancy for Christmas. If you are not familiar with it, here it is:
Well, every time Christopher sees this picture, he stops and smiles and/or laughs. Today he also happened to add in clapping! It has become so popular with him that wherever he is in the basement, as soon as you say "Christopher, where is Barack?" he comes running and laughing. And when I say running, he is literally running like a pro. For some reason Chris felt like going crazy today (as seen in the picture at the top of the post) and was running all over the basement cracking himself up. But most of all, he had a ton of fun stopping to check out his favorite president.

Also, check out the comparison between these two pictures. I think the first one was taken last November...

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