Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mall rats

What to do on a rainy afternoon in Kansas when you've been trapped inside with a walking machine named Christopher... hmmmm... Eureka! You do what every good girl from Jersey does--go to the mall! That's right, upon returning from my afternoon out, with Kristen watching Little Buds, I found him awake and eating his snack. The clock said 4PM and all I could think was, "Man, if we have to stay in this house until 7PM (aka, "bedtime), I am going to go crazy." So we packed ourselves up and headed to the Oak Park Mall. We weren't really going to shop, mind you. First, we headed to this little enclosed play area where kids can run around and be crazy. Sounds great right? Well, apparently it's not enclosed enough because after CJ got comfortable, he headed for the exit. He was not running away from me (I don't think!); he was going for the adjacent carousel. Fair enough, I thought, let's go! Christopher got to ride one of the horses that goes up and down just like a big kid. He was even so cool, he held on with one hand (I of course held onto him with two hands). After our ride, we headed to the kids section of Barnes and Noble to play with the train set and check out the books. Chris was fixated on "Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear" and asked me to read it at least 4 times. Once our reading was done, we traversed the mall back to the car. I have to say, after walking past and through many stores, that I will finally be ahead of the fashion curve this season as everything is purple. That's right, purple is the color this year and I am now in style! At least 85% of my wardrobe is some shade of purple so I am covered. Now if I can only get Brian to wear that fabulous color...

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