Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just like old times... again.

As many of you know, Christopher was not the greatest of sleepers for the first 5 months of his life. In recent months, however, he has been making up for this lack of initial sleep with two 2-hour naps a day plus 10 hours of sleep per night. Ahhhh... And then there was last night. I think little man didn't want us to forget his younger days because at 12:30 AM we heard a very loud and piercing "waaaahhhh" coming from down the hall. I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the two, possibly three nasty molars coming through this poor boy's gums, but it surprised us just the same. I went in and held him for about a half an hour until he was calm and ready to go back to sleep. He hung out in his crib, sitting up for a while (I was watching through the monitor) and finally went back to sleep. Half an hour later, he was standing up again, screaming and chewing on the rail of his crib. I went in to give him the pacifier and he plopped down and was out. Brian and I were talking about it in the morning and when you think about it, he really wasn't up for more than 45 minutes last night which would have been a dream for us 9 months ago! But now that we are used to undisturbed nights, 45 minutes makes us feel like we only got 4 hours of sleep last night (and that's probably because we did since neither of us could go back to sleep very long after waking). Ah, perspective.

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