Sunday, July 12, 2009

Growing up

As we approach Christopher's first birthday, I am finding it hard to believe that an entire year has gone by in our little man's life. Looking at the video I posted a couple days ago of CJ in his bouncy seat at 1 1/2 months old and then looking at him run around the basement now, I am amazed at all the changes a baby goes through over the course of a year. Even in the past couple of days he has made some crazy changes. For example, he has become proficient at standing up without holding onto anything... his ninth tooth has finally emerged through his gums after 3 weeks of drool (see where his finger is in the picture to the left? that's where the new tooth is)... today he figured out how to drink out of a straw so Mommy can get rid of the sippy cups... this morning he was trying so hard to say "Kasey" when he saw her (it consisted of the "K" sound followed by two syllables)... and his walking has turned into a walk/run or at least a power walk. Another sign of Christopher growing up is his transition to stage three of the Exersaucer. I had it put away for the past two months because he was losing interest in it. Yesterday, I took it back out, changed it to level three (where he can stand up and walk around it), and let him go to town. Little man was very excited to see his fun toy again!
But despite all the toys he gets to play with, his favorite still requires no batteries, involves no flashing lights, and makes him laugh every time.

1 comment:

Sarah L. said...

Dear Christopher.
You have a doggy??? I am SUPER jealous. My favorite book is all about dogs and I like to go to the dog store to look - I can even SAY dog - but, I don't have one of my own. :( i bet you two have LOTS of fun together!!!

Are you excited to turn one?? Happy Early Birthday! Hope you score lots of cool presents! ;)

I like your blog - it looks just like mine! Hehe!!

Love, Emily