Thursday, February 26, 2009

What's so funny?

As you know, our little man is really starting to move all over the place. He's not quite crawling forward yet but he constantly goes from sitting to all fours to sitting again, and recently, he's been scooting around in a circle on his bottom. Yesterday, he started pulling up on me (as I was sitting) onto his knees. This morning, he also did this on his bouncy seat (yes, the original bouncy seat) so he could get a closer look at his second favorite doggie. Well today a funny thing happened. Christopher was sitting next to me and I was lying on the floor on my side. He kept reaching up to grab my hip and pull himself up on his knees. After several times of doing this, CJ picked his left leg up, put his foot down and pulled himself up to standing! I started cracking up and making a huge deal and he had this shocked look on his face that said, "Woah, was just happened?" And then he started laughing too. He plopped himself down and we both just kept laughing. Kasey must have been wondering what her two crazy humans were doing!

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