Friday, May 26, 2017

Last Day of School!

Today is Christopher's last day of school, and while he is excited to start summer and especially swim team, he is sad to be leaving his friends and these two fabulous ladies pictured above. Mrs. Masoner and Ms. Makona helped Chris make this year amazing--full of fun and learning and creativity. As a former teacher, I am in awe of the incredible work that they put in this year for all the kids. Chris learned so much, grew so much this year! People who think teachers have it easy should meet these two fine educators who never stop working and loving the kids and never stop learning themselves! 

We attended the end of the year awards ceremony this morning where Christopher received an award for his geography bee score...
Mr. D (our principal) said that the scores of the students gave Pembroke Hill a first place performance nationally for this grade level! (This is a nationally given geography bee). Also Chris and some other students were recognized for their Great Brain Projects!
Each kid told the audience about their project. I don't know about you but I would have been shaking in my boots at Christopher's age if I had to get up in front of everyone and talk! I'm so grateful Pembroke Hill is making this public speaking thing such a priority. Chris is getting very comfortable in front of a mike!
Here is our boy with his two awards...
So sad to see this year end, and we are so proud of our Christopher!

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