Saturday, May 13, 2017

Year Two of the Vegetable Garden

Chris requested a gnome for his vegetable garden so a gnome he got! We worked today on the vegetable beds and herbs (not pictured). Here is our new tomato/zucchini bed. It's always so funny that the gardens look so sparse when first planted but from our experience last year, we know what happens as the summer goes on! We have two full size tomato plants and one cherry as well as 2 basil plants (good companions to tomatoes apparently) and two zucchini. And obviously our anti-bunny chicken wire fence system!
Here is my bed, which includes lots of lettuce, swiss chard and eggplant as well as a couple mini sunflower seeds. I am still waiting to find a couple good kale plants too.
Chris chose eggplant, peppers, cucumbers, and cantaloupe plants for his garden this year. We will also pick up some larger sunflower seeds and possibly strawberries along the way...
It was gorgeous outside today so we got to eat on the patio and listen to Moana (J's request)!

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