Thursday, August 15, 2013

Art Day

If you know Christopher, you know that sitting down in one spot and working on an art project is not usually his first choice in activities. Well, apparently today it was. We brought several shells home with us from Shelter Island that would be good for painting (I used to do this--or maybe color them?--when we would go down the shore). He was very busy and came up with some really cool designs...
While he was at it, Chris wanted to make a butterfly, obviously inspired by our Powell Gardens trip from yesterday. I folded a paper in half and drew a wing design which he then cut out (beautifully, I might add!) and proceeded to color it so it would be symmetrical. Here is his butterfly...
After he made the butterfly, we went outside where he then drew a butterfly exhibit as well as flowers and (in the second picture) a "lilac tree."

It was wonderful to see him actually enjoying making all this art! As I was watching him work, I started to think of how big he has gotten and even though he is not technically starting kindergarten this year, I feel like I'm looking at one when I see him work or hear him talk. PreK at Pembroke will be great this year for him though and we are looking forward to going to see his classroom tomorrow morning at "Stop By and Say Hi."

Also today, Sam and Noah came over to play and among the many things these three crazy boys did together, they were singing silly (sometimes inappropriate) songs. Eventually the singing led to "Gangham Style" which then led to us all watching Bennett's version of the song on Facebook. The Beznovsky boys were very impressed with Bennett's moves and requested the video several more times. Later we downloaded the song so Chris could listen to it over and over and over and over... Well, before bedtime, Christopher completed his art day with the performing arts. Here is his own personal version of "Gangham Style." Your welcome.  (Give it a minute. It takes a few seconds for the music to start).

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